Answering Life's Biggest Question: Is God Real?

What`s in your mind?

What is the meaning of atheism?

Atheism is to reject belief in any unseen powers

An atheist denies the existence of a Creator, prophethood and
resurrection (after death).

What is the proof of the existence of the Creator?

There are numerous proofs, yet we will present only two thereof:

1-The proof of bringing into existence.
2-The proof of providence and perfection.

What does the proof of bringing into existence means?

Why Religion?

Even the staunchest atheist would believe that being truthful is better than lying, correct?

These are terms that are irrelevant to this world, and there is nothing in the material world that justifies their meaning or implication.

What is the meaning of truthfulness?
What is the meaning of honesty?
If we conduct a deep analysis of the atom, will we detect some meanings like truthfulness and lying?
If we observe the physics of galaxies or the chemistry of hormones, will we observe: honesty or dishonesty/betrayal?
Such terms do not belong to this material world.
However, they are real terms, and are from the most significant matters.
In fact, the value of a human is based on his morals, not his physical size, the number of his atoms, or the energy level of his cells.

Atheism is like a tomb for human`s brainLight of Islam

Why is it not possible that such morals are the product of a brain or society?

The brain consists of exactly the same material components as in the material world!...

No matter how complicated the brain or the material compositions are, eventually the result of a sum of zeros will be nothing but zero. Thus, if matter knows neither well or evil, then the same applies to the brain.

Here, we ask the atheist:

How did the concept of good and evil appear when the whole material world is morally neutral and knows neither good nor evil? The second question: According to the brain, what prevents the extermination of all the people on earth?

What prevents placing the inferior human races into animal cages?

What prevents the annihilation of the sick, disabled, handicapped, and inferior races as what took place in the natural selection project carried out by the Nazi - Action T4 Project -? The brain, in its material form is not able to answer such questions by deeming them wrong or by deeming them right. The brain is fully neutral when it comes to morality, as it is composed of the same atoms of the earth.

Actually, the brain and morality are absolutely not related.

As for the idea that society is the originator of morals, then this would be strange, as it concerns man as a man, and not society as a whole. Furthermore, society consists of the same components of matter, and therefore the sum of zeros again will only produce zero, so how did society come up with morals.

Which do not belong to the material world in the first place?

Then, if this supposedly true, and we consider morals a product of society, then the Nazi will be right in exterminating others because society would believe this to be moral. When the world decided to prosecute the Nazis, this decision was based on the fact that morals are absolute and not the product of society. Otherwise, they would not have been able to prosecute the Nazis and would not have realized that they had made a mistake in the first place.

In fact, morals are independent from society, right is right in both good societies and bad ones.

Likewise, wrong is wrong in both good societies and bad ones. Morals have a meaning that extends beyond the brain and community.

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