Answering Life's Biggest Question: Is God Real?
What`s in your mind?
What is the meaning of atheism?
Atheism is to reject belief in any unseen powers
An atheist denies the existence of a Creator, prophethood and
resurrection (after death).
What is the proof of the existence of the Creator?
There are numerous proofs, yet we will present only two thereof:
1-The proof of bringing into existence.
2-The proof of providence and perfection.
Why Religion?
Even the staunchest atheist would believe that being truthful is better than lying, correct?
These are terms that are irrelevant to this world, and there is nothing in the material world that justifies their meaning or implication.
What is the meaning of truthfulness?
What is the meaning of honesty?
If we conduct a deep analysis of the atom, will we detect some meanings like truthfulness and lying?
If we observe the physics of galaxies or the chemistry of hormones, will we observe: honesty or dishonesty/betrayal?
Such terms do not belong to this material world.
However, they are real terms, and are from the most significant matters.
In fact, the value of a human is based on his morals, not his physical size, the number of his atoms, or the energy level of his cells.