& Perfection
What are some examples on the proof of providence and perfection?
The examples are countless, and too many to be collected.
Every atom in the universe is an indication of the divine providence, a fact that we are going to know either today or tomorrow.
The glucose-digesting hormone – is secreted by the pancreas with the same amount according to your intake of sugar.
The heart's pumping force of blood
The heart’s pumping force of blood is equivalent to the energy needed by the muscles in accordance with the exerted effort.
Stomach valves
There are valves in your stomach preventing food from going back to your mouth that would harm you.
Excretion valves
Excretion valves so that your clothes do not get soiled at every moment.
Skull bones
The bones of your skull do not fuse until you come out of your mother’s womb easily, because if they were fused, they would not come out of your mother’s womb until they were broken. Also, these bones are not fully grown until your brain is fully grown.
Nerves axons
All axons of your nerves that transmit electrical signals are coated with an insulating layer – as we do now with electrical wires – so that the electrical signal does not stray, be lost, or cause disturbance to you.
Electron speed
The electron revolves around the nucleus at a speed of one thousand kilometers per second, otherwise it would fall inside the nucleus due to
the force of attraction with the positive nucleus, and the universe would have collapsed before it began, and it is the ideal speed for the formation of the atom.
Hydrogen atoms
When two hydrogen atoms fuse, 0.007% of the mass of hydrogen is converted into energy, and if the mass were 0.006% instead of 0.007%, the proton would not fuse with the neutron, and the whole universe would only remain as hydrogen, and the rest of the elements would not appear. If the converted mass into energy was 0.008% instead of 0.007%, the coalescence would be too fast, which would lead to the immediate disappearance of hydrogen from the universe, making life impossible. Thus, the number must be between 0.006% and 0.008%.
Atom formation
The electron mass represents 0.2% of the neutron mass, and this is the standard mass for the formation of an atom.
Plant growth
After germination, the sprouts head directly toward the light source and the roots go downwards, where the sprouts are extremely sensitive to light, and all the information they need to do their job is encoded inside the seed. There are hormones that control the upper and lateral growth of the plant and towards the roots. All these hormones are also encoded inside the seed.
From seed into tree
As you eat a delicious piece of fruit, and then throw the dry and tasteless seed away, you are allowing that fruit to pass on its genes. Such fruit gives you a delicious taste, while hiding its genes – the origin of its life – inside the dry, smooth seed that does not appeal to you. Once you throw this seed onto the earth, and after the suitable conditions are available, it begins to form a fruit tree with its branches, twigs and roots. All this happens in plants that have no perception of anything.
Sugar amount
Who set the information for that inarticulate, deaf fruit and adjusted the amount of sugar in it so that it becomes appealing to you?
Who set the information for that inarticulate, deaf fruit and adjusted the amount of sugar in it so that it becomes appealing to you?
Who made the seed unacceptable and unpalatable, so that you would have no interest in it and throw it away?
Who loaded the seed with enough genetic information to create a new plant with all its details and functions?
We recently came to realize that: the inertia in whose bliss we live in is the product of the mass of the universe as a whole.
What does inertia mean?
What happens when to you when you are riding in a car, and it suddenly stops?
You are pushed forward! Is not that true?
This is what inertia means.
If the inertia of our world were less than it is now, the simplest breeze of air could move rocks, and in a world like this, we would constantly be smashed by all kinds of things!
On the other hand, if it were greater than it is now, we would be unable to move even our fingers.
The inertial force depends on the mass.
The thing that surprised physicists is that the mass of the Milky Way, the galaxy that contains our solar system, participates in controlling the inertia by only 0.1 million, while the mass of the Earth controls the inertia only by 0.001 million.
Thus, the ideal inertia upon whose good consequences we live, and through which we practice all our activities is the product of the total
energy of the universe as a whole.
The more science expands, the more wonders of wisdom and the subtleties of creation appear!
Let us move to the eye
that priceless blessing.{Have We not given him two eyes,}[Surat al-Balad:8]
The eye’s resolution is equivalent to five hundred and seventy-six mega-pixels.
The eye has the purest lens in the world.
The size of the photo receptor in the retina does not exceed half a square millimeter, and it distinguishes between ten million color shades of different dimensions. It is indeed a miraculous and dazzling divine
When you look at something in front of you, and the light falls on the retina, at that very moment several complex chemical processes take
place and eventually generate an electric current. This current is transmitted from the retina of your eye to your brain through nerve wires.
The brain here interprets the frequency of this electric current as eyesight, as if the brain has an integrated pre-set dictionary that converts the electric current that has reached it into the act of seeing what is in front of you.
That is amazing if you just think about it!
Imagine; this brain dwells inside a dark box of bones, which is the skull.
Nothing reaches it except electric currents.
So, how can the brain interpret such currents as seeing?
How does it give you the ability to see?
This miracle happens once you open your eyes and see!
The same goes for hearing:
As sound waves enter your eardrum, it converts them from waves into a mechanical movement. This mechanical movement is then transmitted through three tiny bones in the middle ear to the inner ear, which converts it into an electrical current.
This electric current is transmitted at this point from the inner ear to the brain, which starts to define this electric current as sounds, so you hear the sound.
All this take place in less than a split second {Allah brought you out from your mothers’ wombs not knowing anything, and He gave you hearing, sight and intellect, so that you may be grateful.} [Surat an-Nahl: 78]
Try to imagine that, at every moment, the thousands of electrical signals that reach the brain from the eye, ear, touching, tasting, smelling and other different parts of the body to distinguish between all these signals in an astounding accuracy. {This is Allah’s creation. So show Me what others beside Him have created. In fact, the wrongdoers are clearly misguided.} [Surat Luqmān: 11]
{such is the design of Allah, who has perfected everything. Indeed, He is All
Aware of what you do.} [Surat an-Naml: 88]
Who is that who can fully perceive even only one blessing out of Allah’s blessings?
Ponder on every joint and bone in your body that allow you to move exactly as needed.
Think of the smooth joints that allow you to move without friction between the bones or erosion, Allah has deposited in these joints a liquid like lubricant that is placed in the joints of machines!
Think of the blessings of Allah with contemplation and be thankful to Him.
Allah’s blessings are countless! {Do you not see that Allah has made subservient to you all that is in the heavens and on earth, and has abundantly bestowed upon you His favors, both apparent and hidden? Yet there are some people who dispute concerning Allah without knowledge, or guidance, or an enlightening scripture.} [Surat Luqmān: 20]
Criticizing the evidence of providence, claiming that there are some imperfections like diseases and earthquakes.
The absence of perfect things in the universe, in the words of an atheist, does not negate the existence of perfection. By saying this, however, he actually confirms that there is perfection in the universe.
If there were no perfection in the first place, a theist would not be able to realize the existence of imperfection. How could one speak of a defect in a design, in a world that lacks design? As for what they describe as imperfect, this is indeed lack of knowledge or failure to perceive the wisdom of things.
The believers do not claim that the universe is too perfect to have disastrous events, but they say that the universe is perfectly created, so that nothing occurs in it without a purpose.
The attitude of an atheist is similar to those who deny mastery of the spacecraft because there is a huge amount of petroleum elements in it, which may cause the vehicle to explode at any moment! 4 The world was not designed to be everlasting or eternal, neither were we designed to be gods.
We are designed to be tested with good and evil. {We test you with bad and good as a trial, then to Us you will all be returned.} [Surat Al-Anbiyā : 35]. Good, evil and all trials revolve within the framework of wisdom and
divine will.
There is a rule established by Islamic scholars more than a thousand years ago, this rule says that: The sequence of the actors necessarily leads to the non-occurrence of actions.
The sequence of actors means that there are more than one creator. The question in hand mentions ‘another civilization’ that is preceded by a civilization that produced it, and a civilization that preceded and produced both of them, etc. This represents sequence in creators, which is necessarily conducive to the non-occurrence of actions, i.e., the non-emergence of created beings like the universe, man and others.
The sequence of actors results in the non-emergence of the universe and the existence.
If a civilization depends on the existence of another civilization to have created it, and the other civilization depends on another civilization that preceded it and created it, and so on to infinity, then neither this civilization nor the one that precedes it nor the one that precedes them both will appear, and neither existence nor anything will appear.
Because if every civilization depends on a civilization that preceded it, and so on; there would therefore appear no civilization and nothing would ever come into existence.
So, there must be a first eternal Creator who created everything!
If there is an infinite sequence and every link in the chain depends on the one before it, then there would be no creatures, no creation, no
beings, because the agent would depend on an agent that precedes it, and then its predecessor would depend on a previous one, and so on; therefore, there would be nothing.
So, then sequence must stop at some point.
Here, we become certain about the first creator who is not preceded by anything else!
An atheist assumes that laws are sufficient to create the universe and cause it to appear. Some atheists have relied on the idea of the law of gravity and that it is sufficient for the emergence of the universe, regardless of the collapse of this claim by just thinking about the source of the law of gravity, or who codified it or who gave it the property of interference and showing the effect, regardless of these self-evident intuitions, the law of gravity does not cause the billiard ball to roll!
Law alone is unable to cause anything without the appearance of that thing.
The law of gravity cannot produce a billiard ball, it just causes it to move if it appears and gets hit by a billiard stick.
In fact, the law of gravity is not independent, but it is a description to a natural occurrence.
Moreover, the law of gravity will not move the billiard ball without a force pressing on the billiard stick and moving it. Only at this moment, the billiard ball moves and the effect of the law of gravity appears. Nonetheless, an atheist assumes that the law of gravity is sufficient to create a billiard ball, billiard stick and roll the ball! Which one is closer to good reason and logic regarding the cause of the appearance of the universe: the Creator or the law?
Similarly, the internal combustion laws of a car engine cannot create a car engine . If we add the laws of internal combustion to the car engine, it will not work either. There must be petrol, which gives energy, and there must be a spark for combustion, and before that there must be an engine, and only then the laws of internal combustion appear and the engine works! It is not reasonable to assume that the laws of internal combustion are sufficient to create the engine, the spark of combustion, petrol, the driver and the road.
In fact, the idea that a law is sufficient to explain the emergence of the universe is an idea that is completely alien to reason. In addition, if we suppose the idea, that it will lead us to the sequence of actors that we explained in the answer to the previous question, for who created this law and who brought it into existence? If they claim that it is another law, we will get into the sequence of actors that entails the non-emergence of any law or any beings.
Adopting the idea of coincidence is ignorance of the fundamentals of possibilities, given the fact that coincidence has two indispensable conditions, namely: time and place.
Coincidence stipulates a time where it makes its effect, and stipulates the existence of a material place where it produces its influence.
Then, how can we say that coincidence played a role in creating the universe, even though our universe came out of no time and no place?
How can the effect of coincidence appear without the appearance of the coincidence itself?
How can coincidence provide an effect before its own existence or the existence of time and place that are the two essential conditions for coincidence?
According to the Second Law of Thermodynamic: it is impossible that the universe is eternal.
Here is an example to simplify this law: If you have a cup of hot water in the room, heat is transferred from the hot water to the room until the room’s temperature equals the temperature of the cup. This is the second law of thermodynamics, where energy flows from high levels to low levels over time.
This law takes place in everything in the universe at every moment since the emergence of the universe, until the temperature of everything in the universe becomes equal, and when this happens, what is known as the thermal death of the universe will occur. If the universe were eternal, it would have been suspended now – thermally dead -; however, the universe is now actually in a state less than maximum entropy and has not yet reached thermal death. Thus, it is not eternal, rather, it has a fixed beginning during which time and space had appeared.
It has been proven according to the same law that the universe began at a minimum of entropy, which means that its occurrence was without a precedent example – it was created out of nothing -.
This is a scientific law on one side, whereas atheism is completely on the other side.
First: The laws of the created beings do not apply to the Creator; this is a self-evident fact. otherwise, we could also say: Who cooked the cook?
Who painted the painter?
It is self-evident that the Creator is the one who brought time and place into existence. So, it is inconceivable to say that the laws He created out of nothing should apply to Him, Glory be to Him!
Second: It is true that every created being should have a creator; however, in the case of the Creator: {There is nothing like unto Him} [Surat Ash-Shūra: 11]
Third: The Creator is not created, rather, He is eternal. So, how can we ask: who created Him?
The Creator must be eternal and necessary to exist. Otherwise, we would get into the problem of ‘the sequence of the actors’ that necessarily leads to the non-occurrence of actions.” As we just explained in detail. So, the Creator must be necessarily existent and eternal, Glory be to Him.
The atheist makes a pointless assumption, saying: Since the universe is huge, then man is not a center in this universe!
This assumption is based on the premise: Since the farms are vast and its owner is too small comparing to them, then: He is not their owner!
In fact, it has nothing to do with the size at all.
Morals that have no material size are the greatest criterion for considering people as the most noble or the most despicable people.
In fact, people are weighed according to their morals. Therefore, the issue of size is not a criterion!
Let us give this example: If there is a king who made some laws and gave advice to his son and wrote a book to him regarding that. Would it be possible that someone may object and say: How can a king who owns millions of vast and countless acres of lands take care of his son whose size and weight is even less than one part out of a million of what this king owns of land and acres?
And for Allah is the highest example.
Can such an objection be reasonable in the first place?
It is not a matter of weight or size.
Furthermore, was not this universe generated out of a point smaller than the tip of a pin by billions of times , as all physicists in the world acknowledge?
Hence, size is relative.
Furthermore, what would bother an atheist that Allah creates whatever He wills in the way He wills?
Does God lack resources so that He should spend thriftily?
Exalted is He above that!
However, is it true that we really represent a center in this universe?
Yes, human is the center of this universe, as per divine assignment.
This divine assignment is religion.
Religion is the trust that man bears, which is the greatest test one has to go through.
You are required to be a servant of Allah Almighty, whereby you are a center in this universe, not for your size, power, or capabilities, but by divine assignment.
You are capable of doing what is good and giving up what is evil, you are capable of being a believer or a disbeliever.
We all know that we are charged with religious assignments, willingly or unwillingly!
Everyone knows including an atheist, believer, agnostic, and everyone that he is under religious assignment. He perceives this divine assignment and suffers the tingling of a moral conscience. He knows that there is something within himself telling him: Do such-and-such, and do not do such-and-such. Do good and do not do evil.” Every one of us knows from the reality of himself that he is required to comply!
We are at the center of this universe by religious assignment.
Also, we are at the center of this universe perceptually and cognitively.
We perceive, realize, understand and know the reality of our existence, and the reality of the universe around us, and grasp the meaning of our existence well. We are the ones who are liable for duties, responsibilities, assignments and reckoning.
We are the a that is aware of the splendor of careful formulation. We are a being that is aware of the laws of perfection, and we are a being that is able to carry out their assignments or to reject to do so. We are fully capable of choosing, and we are capable of being believers or disbelievers.
We are at the center of this universe. {Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, yet they refused to bear it and were afraid of it. But man assumed it; he is indeed wrongful and ignorant.} [Surat Al Ahzāb: 72]
What is the relation between the existence of many planets and discrediting perfection as proof?
It is not a matter of raw materials.
Being in a forest full of all vegetables and fruits and animals does not mean that, there must suddenly appear before me in the middle of the forest, a dish of delicious, cooked food; The issue is not about the raw materials!
Likewise, the existence of sand in the deserts of the world does not mean that I can find digital processors and electronic chips that are made of sand all around me in the desert!
The case is not raw materials; rather, it is a case of creation and perfection (Know how).
The mere existence of a group of planets is not sufficient to have among them a planet that is so perfectly created like the Earth.
It is a case of perfection, creation, and making. {such is the design of Allah, who has perfected everything.} [Surat an-Naml: 88]
The presence of many other planets does not at all justify that there is life on Earth.
Neither does it justify the existence of the genetic code inside of you, consisting of four billion letters that impressively controls all your functions, organs and hormones, even before you came into existence!
Life is information, not matter If I and an atheist would ascend to a planet and discover a complex device that works with impressive precision, even if we cannot yet, understand its function, can the maker of this device be denied just because of the huge size of the planet we are on?
Mental intuition prompts me and the atheist, when we see this device, to admit the existence of the Capable Creator.
The one who denies this logical intuition, who denies the existence of the Creator is actually the one who is required to present the evidence, not the one who affirms His existence!
The atheist in this dazzling elegant universe is the one who is required to provide the evidence, not the believer!
The agnostic atheist Carl Sagan once wrote a novel called “Contact”, in which he recounts how the scientists are looking for extraterrestrial intelligence.
In this fictional novel, scientists discovered a long series of prime numbers coming from outer space. Since this initial sequence implies a specific mathematical value, a value that indicates a kind of precision, this was enough mental evidence to conclude that this message was coming from another civilization trying to communicate with us!
What is funny is that Carl Sagan is a famous Agnostic himself, yet his mind accepts the fact that the complexity and organization of a small message is proof of creation and perfection!
A mere series of prime numbers would definitely prove the presence of a giant civilization; so how do you ascribe the four billion letters inside each cell of your body, of which if one letter were missing, a catastrophe would occur, how do you ascribe all this perfection to the illogical atheistic oddities?
It is not reasonable to resort to quirks (oddities) in order to prevent the interpretation of the phenomenon in its framework as an indication of the existence of the Creator {Say, “look at what is in the heavens and earth.” But the signs and warnings are of no avail to those who do not believe.} [Surat Yūnus: 101]
Allah Almighty said: {If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens and earth, both realms would have fallen in disorder.} [Surat al-Anbiyā: 22]
The existence of a god along with Allah entails multiplicity, and multiplicity entails insufficiency.
Insufficiency of the Creator, Exalted be He above that, necessitates the insecurity and vulnerability of the universe, it even entails corruption of the universe.
There is no guarantee that the universe will survive with a deficient God!
{If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens and earth, both realms would have fallen in disorder. Glory be to Allah Lord of the Throne far above what they ascribe [to Him]} [Surat al-Anbiyā: 22]
Exalted is the Creator above need and insufficiency. He is the Self Sufficient, the Sustainer of everything.
Adding to what was aforementioned: If there were two or more gods in the heavens and earth, then the possibility of conflict would be closer to reason than being in harmony, because multiple gods would mean a multitude of wills and the multiplicity of wills would cause the insufficiency of each one of them, which would then entail the corruption of the heavens and earth.
Man’s natural disposition definitely affirms that Allah is one. Were a physicist or otherwise, to look into this universe, they would only perceive that it has one creator, for this is a natural disposition.